21 de noviembre de 2009

Carta de los indignadísimos egipcios a la FIFA

Llevo ya dos días recibiendo emails de colegas egipcios que me piden, mejor dicho, me instan a escribir para España un artículo denunciando el juego sucio del equipo argelino y la violencia gratuita de sus aficionados. Hoy he encontrado esta carta en mi buzón de correo, invitándome a participar en una firma colectiva que se dirige a la FIFA.

Aquí los aires se caldean a cada día que pasa, esto explica que fuera ayer cuando decidieran atacar en El Cairo la embajada argelina situada en Zamalek. No se esperaban que esto sucediera. 

Dear FIFA Officials,
Fifa Signture is “My game is Fair play” and what algeria did
wednesday 18/11 in the match with Egypt is anything but fair play.
Well organized violent attacks took place by Algerian fans, whom I’m so sorry to call “fans”, against the decent Egyptian fans in Sudan, though Egyptians didn't attack them and Sudan police forces tried to protect Egyptians but Algerian violence crossed all the red lines.

First : they destroyed the bus of Egyptian players after their training, they Stormed the field before the match, they threatened players and Egyptian people with death.
Second : they through fire into the field during the match.
Third : they stopped and crushed the Egyptian buses in Sudani streets and hit and terrified the Egyptian people, including women and children, then they chased them in Khartoum streets with all kinds of knives they have already bought, first thing, when they arrived there. Lots of the Egyptians were injured and they had to hide in Sudani houses, restaurants and hotels. So, it was not a fair game at all.
Fourth : they burned and insulted the Egyptian flag by putting it on the ground and stepping and driving their cars over it.
Owing to these events, we urge you to Withdrawal the Algerian team from qualifying to the World Cup because of their Barbarism and the lack sports ethics and they should be punished for such behavior. Algeria is not a team that deserves to present Africa in World Cup. We need is to rescue us and rescue all the nobel concepts and ethics Fifa rules are supposed to establish among people of all nations.
And we have full faith of your wisdom and Justice in solving problems and we are waiting for your, hopefully quick, judgment considering all the mentioned above.

Thank you so much.

5-وبعدين انسخ اللنك ده تحت النص

6-بعدها اكتب الحروف والارقام الي هتلاقيها في مربع صغير على الشمال في المكان الفاضي

7-وبعدين اتغط Submit

Source: www.fifa.com
To be able to answer your query as quickly as possible, please tick the appropriate box to select the nature of your enquiry.Only messages sent in thefour official FIFA languages (English, Spanish, French, German) can be addressed at this time.

El video del youtube es este que añado a continuación. Que cada uno haga su lectura, pero la verdad es que, como siempre, la violencia estallada desentraña motivos más ocultos, enmascarados por el fútbol.

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