22 de febrero de 2010

Egipto e Israel, ¿unidos contra Irán en una guerra?

De noticias como ésta: Tehran fears Israeli raid against nuke sites this year a sucesos como el asesinato de uno de los líderes de Hamas en Dubai, hay toda una cadena con eslabones que unen una lógica, un método, una inducción que a muchos ha llevado a pensar que realmente este año Israel entrará en guerra con Irán. Lo siguiente es destacar la hipótesis que muchos barajan de que Israel entrará en guerra con la ayuda de Egipto.

En la mañana del lunes 22 de febrero se podían oir en el Campus Universitario de Alejandría voces de jóvenes que intentaban seguir las instrucciones de un soldado. Lo intentaban, pero sólo les salían gritos descompasados y movimientos con muy poca gracia. Los mirábamos desde la ventana, era casi lúdico...

De repente, un compañero nos decía: Ah! si! esto puede ser de lo que me comentó el otro día mi colega de que Egipto se está preparando para una posible guerra contra Irán, apoyando a Israel.

Los rumores se han extendido y, si además, somos testigos de semejante desfilucho militar estudiantil, se te queda la mente trabajando, haciendo cábalas de cómo, cuándo, dónde y... por qué. ¿Sucederá realmente esta guerra donde -dicen los rumores, también- EE.UU. estará presente? Qué irónico que la siguiente -posible y dudosa- guerra en la que participen Israel y Egipto sea siendo aliados... Esperemos que nada de esto ocurra, ni que sean aliados ni que haya más guerras.

2 comentarios:

Unknown dijo...

Srta: Iran es tan Anti-Egipcio como Anti-Israeli.
Iran Shiita es tan enemiga de Egipto-Suni como de Israel- Judia.
Si hay un tema en el Mundo que puede "unificar los esfuerzos" de Egipto-A. Saudita- Emiratos- Kuwait- Marruecos- Argelia- Tunes- y de Israel, ese tema se llama IRAN.
Cual piensa Ud. que sera el futuro de los Sunis en Egipto si Iran llegara a dominar en el?
Igual que el de los Sunis en Iran...

Unknown dijo...

Iran forces Kirgizstan airliner to land, nabs Baluchi activist
DEBKAfile Special Report February 24, 2010, 10:38 AM (GMT+02:00)Tags: Intelligence Iran Jund Allah

Iran seizes Jund Allah leader Abdol Malek RigiDubai again figured in a key intelligence affair when Tuesday, Feb. 23, an Iranian bomber forced down a Kyrgyzstan airliner heading out of the emirate to seize its most wanted fugitive, Abdol Malek Rigi, leader of the Baluchi Jund Allah underground movement.

He was shown in a triumphal Iranian TV broadcast being taken away in handcuffs, accompanied by four masked men.

Iranian intelligence minister Heydar Moslehi accused the UK, the US, Israel of backing the Sunni Muslim Jund Allah, which is said to strike against Tehran government targets from a base in neighboring Pakistan. He said Rigi visited an American base 24 hours before his capture, but did not state its location.

He was arrested with two other members of his group. debkafile's intelligence and counter-terror sources term Rigi's capture a major coup for Iranian intelligence and correspondingly a resounding setback for Western clandestine operations against the Islamic regime.
The group's most devastating attack occurred on Oct. 18, 2009, when two Revolutionary Guards generals and more than 40 others, including 8 senior Guards officers, were killed in a suicide attack while on a visit to the southeastern town of Pisheen near the Pakistan border.
Gen. Nur Ali Shoustari, a victim of the attack, was the ground forces commander of the Al Qods Brigades, the Guards special arm for external terrorist operations in places such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. At the time, Tehran angrily accused the CIA, British MI6 secret service and the Pakistani SIS of orchestrating, training and funding Jund Allah's campaign.

Dubai has become a buzzing hive of international espionage, with terrorist leaders moving in and out with the same freedom as the anti-terror agents keeping tabs on them. For the Baluchi Sunni activist, it was the ideal venue for quiet meetings with his backers, including United Arab Emirates' and Saudi Arabian intelligence operatives.
Our intelligence experts say that with his capture, Iran has gone one better even than the liquidation of Hamas executive Mahmoud al-Mabhouh - also in Dubai - last month.
Iranian undercover agents, ordered to bring him in alive, must have been on his tail for months up to the moment when they could pin him down and nab him.

The sparse details filtering through from Dubai and Tehran by Wednesday morning, Feb. 24, indicate that Abdol Malek Rigi boarded Kyrgyzstan Airways flight QH454 bound from Dubai for Bishkek, capital of Kyrgyzstan, on Tuesday. He was not traveling with bodyguards. A group of Iranian special operatives were among the 119 passengers. The flight was intercepted as soon as it crossed into Iranian airspace near Bandar Abbas and forced by an Iranian warplane to land at a military air base.
Rigi, who was asleep, was woken up by Iranian agents, who arrested him and seized the papers and documents in his possession.

At a press conference Wednesday morning, Intelligence minister Moslehi displayed an Afghan passport which he said the Americans had given Rigi. The arrested man, he said, had admitted at his initial interrogation, to having been in contact with US and British intelligence services.
debkafile's Iranian sources expect Tehran to fully exploit the case and go to town on "evidence" garnered from the Jund Allah for proving CIA and MI6 involvement in terrorist attacks in Iran, with every effort made to incriminate the Israeli Mossad as well.
A US spokesman in Washington denied all the Iranian charges as false and baseless. A British spokesman refused to respond to the news of Rigi's capture or Tehran's claims that he had been in touch with the British secret service.

Srta Itxa: Ayer yo le escribia sobre Iran Shiita y los Sunitas.
Hoy puede leer lo que sucedio ayer en Dubai.